Are you a high school, university, or other institution looking to purchase "N.Y. Libretto" for your classroom? Send your queries directly to the creator, Jet Thomason, at for discounted rates on all bulk purchases.


The Broadway Package 

Price: $41.00 *  

- 3 disc documentary series

- over 3 hrs of interview footage

- 1 hard copy of "The New York Actor's Survival Guide"

- i digital copy of "The New Yrok Actor's Survival Guide"


The Documentary 

Price: $31.00 *

- 3 disc documentary series

- over 3 hrs of interview footage

- 1 bonus CD containing excerpts from "The New York Actor's Survival Guide"


The Book 

    Price: $15.00 *

- 1 hard copy of "The New York Actor's Survival Guide"

- 1 digital copy of "The New York Actor's Survival Guide"


For ordering information, please visit or contact Jet Thomason at!